Tachimachi Komachi

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Tachimachi Komachi

A low-alcohol drink with a gentle sweetness and acidity like fruit, based on the concept of "making sake more approachable and stylish".

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  1. Sweet
  2. Mid Sweet
  3. Medium
  4. Mid Dry
  5. Dry
  1. Rich
  2. Mid Rich
  3. Medium
  4. Mid Light
  5. Light

Serving Temperature

  1. 5℃
  2. 10℃
  3. 15℃
  4. 20℃
  5. 30℃
  6. 35℃
  7. 40℃
  8. 45℃
  9. 50℃
  10. over55℃
    • 10℃
    • 15℃
Rice Brand Nakateshinsenbon
Rice Polishing Ratio 70%
Ingredients Rice, koji
Sake Meter Value -34.0
Acidity Level 3.7
Alcohol degree 8%
Amount 500ml